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Q What is your website about?

A Please check Home and Products to read about it

Q How do I use your website and service?

A We offer a subscription based service. You can find information about our service on the website, incl. in this FAQ section. You can register to our free newsletter. If you want to use our premium service you have to subscribe and pay a monthly fee. Once a month we offer a free trial open doors day. When you have access to the free trial you can check the premium members area for further information about how our service is structured. If you are registered to our free newsletter, you will be automatically notified about the free trials.

Q Is this service for anybody? Who should subscribe to your service?

A We believe our service to be valuable to anybody who is actively involved with the stock market. Traders, day traders, asset and fund managers, investment advisors, etc. will all be able to find valuable information, matching their own personal quest and expectations.
Someone who has no idea about the stock market and options in particular is certainly not suited to use our service. Someone who just follows the market once in a while, neither.

Q Is your service useful for day traders?

A We believe yes. It seems that in a way, detections of some quality, are detected because of a particular reason. Thus, we have noticed that those detections quiet often have a higher volatility then the overall market. Further you might expect and position yourself for a stock to move in a particular direction rather then the other and/or you might recognize and profit from relative strength or weakness compared to the overall market. Sometime, just the fact to have the ticker on your radar and expect a particular move will hand you out textbook day trade opportunities. Check MNTA or CBE to see what we mean.

Q Is it easy to use your detections lists?

A Nothing you do right in life is easy. To further answer this questions we would say: our approach is logical but not easy. The list we generate through our approach and our proprietary scan is quiet logic and easy to understand. To interpret the information which seems logic and to transform this knowledge into a profitable strategy or trade is never easy. You might have a small edge but you will need a solid understanding of the markets and a rock solid money and trade management to maybe succeed over time.
The most difficult aspect of all is, that sometimes you will have to trust a detection and its inner logic, even though the overall logic might not make sense. You can check RINO to understand what I mean.

Q Do you always make detections?

A Well, every day we generate a MasterList and every day the MasterList will list the top detections. It means that what is detected is the closest to what we are looking for. Now, this does not mean that detections are successful by principle. There are many aspects to consider and not all can be done by machine, at least not yet. Then it depends what you are looking for. MasterDigger might be looking for the next jackpot detection, an investment advisor or fund manager might want to just monitor detections related to stocks he follows and then dig further if he thinks the detection stands for something unusual. But certainly we always detect something and when you start using and getting familiar with our Lists and your own digging reason, style and experience, you will smile at many news and events, because somehow, it was on our List already ...

Q Is your service legal? Don't you use insider information?

A We do not use nor support any insider information! We use solely publicly available data and information. We collect this information and through our proprietary scan we try to interpret what is happening and what could be happening. Most technical analysis approaches are based on the same principle.

Q Can you show me a sample of your MasterList and of your Detection List?

A You can see current and past Lists in our premium area (Forum) anytime. If you are not a premium subscriber yet, you will be able to access the premium area during one of our free trial days. Do not forget to register to our free newsletter so you will be notified about our next free trial day.

Q Can you show me samples of your detections:

A Please check Detections for samples.

Q Why don't you provide an intraday detection list/service?

A We could not recognize/define a particular superior edge trying to detect intraday. For different reasons. Besides of that it would also require a different approach and a much faster execution. However, it's possible that through our setup we once observe something interesting intraday. In this case we might inform the premium members about it.

Q What kind of resources do you use for your detections:

A The most important resource is our proprietary MasterList. Further we use a few services (subscription based and free) to finalize our research and/or find news. You will find more information about how MasterDigger processes the MasterList and how he is set up in the premium members area (Forum).

Q I don't know how to trade but I like your approach. Is there any investment vehicle through which I could participate in such trading approach/strategy?

A Currently no. We trade for ourselves only. However we are getting this kind of requests regularly in our environment. We might think about something in the future. Should you have any particular interest or questions you can contact us and let us know.

Free trial & Newsletter

Q Is there a free trial to the service?

A Yes, we usually offer a free trial open doors day, once a month. We have structured our free trials this way because of the particularity of our service.
For you to be informed and be able to access our free trial open doors day, simply subscribe to our free newsletter. You will automatically be notified when you can access our premium section as part of the free trial.
As a free trial user you will have access to our Lists as well as to the posts in the premium members Forum area. However, you will not be able to post in the Forum as a free trial user.

Q How can I cancel my newsletter subscription?

A By following the instructions at the bottom of our newsletter or by simply sending us an email requesting to delete you from our free newsletter recipients database.

Premium membership

Q What do I get as a premium member of your service?

A Please check Products for the details of our premium service.

Q What makes your service different compared to other similar ones?

A So far we did not really found anything similar, that is why we started our own approach, execution, research and service. Yes, there are many websites displaying options information and statistics but frankly, most of the time it is nothing more then some kind of hit parade by single criteria (most volume, most trades, biggest gains, biggest change in volatility, biggest change in average volume, etc.). These lists you can also easily create with your trading platform (available scanners).
If you try to detect anything particular by using those kind of "Lists" you won't have enough time to process all the useless information you get.

We process and compare the data we collect, several millions of data lines daily (!) through our own proprietary scan approach and program. The scan checks for several conditions and details that we want our detections to comply with. While on our Lists there are finally also a lot of detections which are useless, we can isolate them relatively fast and can focus on the interesting detections instead. From about 50 (+/-) stocks detections daily, we have about 20 that we look closer at and finally 2-3 on average that MasterDigger will put on his SelectionList.

Q What kind of subscriptions plan do you offer?

A Currently we only offer a monthly subscription plan. The billing is automatically recurring unless you cancel your membership. If for any particular reason you are looking for a different plan or if you are a company and would like a bulk deal for a group of persons, then please contact us directly.

Q Why does it cost to become a premium member?

A Our website is a provider of service. It is expensive to achieve what we do. Material, personal and technological costs are involved. We can't and we don't want to provide our proprietary service for free.

Q Why is it expensive?

A Our service is not expensive. If you consider the complexity and the quality of what we offer as well as the time MasterDigger dedicates daily to process the list and publish his Selections and thoughts, our service is priced very fairly.

Further keep in mind that our approach, while logical, is pretty complex and even more difficult to execute. There are some top people involved to do what we do and the technology we engage to transform the data into detections is pretty high end as well. Last but not least imagine that it takes the system about ten minutes of calculations to release the results each day.

Q Why can I login only once with my ID and password?

A The service we provide is very particular. Each premium member can login and access the site from one computer only at the time. You are not allowed to fwd or provide any of the material or information located or stored in our premium area to third parties other then you. You are not allowed to share your access data with anyone else beside yourself! Please view our Terms and Conditions for further details.

Q How can I cancel the premium membership?

A You can do so by turning off the automatic rebilling option at PayPal or Paypal credit card services.


Q Where is the Forum?

A The Forum is only available to premium members, thus you will only find and be able to use the Forum once logged in as a premium member. You can also access and view the Forum as a registered free newsletter member during our free trial open doors days.

Q Where are the Forum FAQ?

A The Forum specific FAQ are available inside the Forum. You only have access to it when you are a premium member or when you can access the Forum through a free trial day.

Q I miss a lot of information and details about your approach, your list and how you process the information therein:

A You do not need this information if you are not a premium member. If you are a premium member you will find more specific and detailed information in the respective section of the Forum. You can also access and view that information when you have access to our premium members area through a free trial. What you will not find however, is how we collect and scan the information in order to generate our MasterList. This procedure is proprietary.


Q The site is too small, I can hardly see or read

A you can make the size of the site/window bigger by pressing ctrl and + at the same time. To make it smaller press ctrl and - instead.

Q Your English is bad, the site is full of mistakes

A Yes, that is possible. Our mother tongue language is not English. However, important to us is the service we provide. We believe our English and the text on this websites is good enough for anyone speaking English to understand. If there is really a sentence which hurts you because of mistakes in it, feel welcome to correct and fwd us your suggestion.

Statement Of Disclaimer

U.S. Government Required Disclaimer - Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Futures and options trading has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk. You must be aware of the risks and be willing to accept them in order to invest in the futures and options markets. Don't trade with money you can't afford to lose. This website is neither a solicitation nor an offer to Buy/Sell futures or options. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this website. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results.
Stock Trading Information


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